
    Contact Us Form

    Our experienced experts will patiently answer all your questions and guide you in choosing the best options.

    To connect with Faratarh consultants, you can use either phone contact or by filling out the contact form.

    Contact Information

    We eagerly await your call and are ready to address your needs.

    Phone numbers

    Fax numbers

    Postal Code

    • 1966946415


    • No. 57,Mahyar Alley,Above Mellat Park,Valiasr,Tehran, Iran

    Working hours

    • Monday - Wednesday: 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM | Thursday: 7:30 AM - 12:00 PM

    Unveiling the Answers to
    Your Burning Questions

    Faratarh is dedicated to the optimal use of resources, reducing waste, and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions across all its activities. By promoting an environmental stewardship culture and implementing responsible business practices, we continuously set and review our sustainability goals. Our aim is to reduce costs, mitigate risks, and enhance our brand's reputation. Sustainability is essential not only for our planet but also for Faratarh’s long-term success.

    At Faratarh, we monitor our progress in sustainability using comprehensive metrics. These include energy consumption, water usage, waste production, greenhouse gas emissions, supply chain commitments, and customer satisfaction.

    We believe that continuous monitoring of these activities is crucial for achieving sustainability and identifying areas for improvement.

    All companies within the Faratarh Group issue official invoices for sales and financial transactions, in compliance with the regulations and standards set by the Central Bank. For details on the required specifications, please contact the financial department of the respective company.

    Saturday to Wednesday: 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
    Thursday: 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM